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公司名称:Formosa Leather
销售中心:+886 4 2391-2795
销售传真:+886 4 2391-2795
联系人:Kenneth Wu/吳貴祥/}
手机:+86 135 0982 0975

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  Formosa Leather Co., Ltd. is founded in New Taipei City, Taiwan since 1986. Our major production starts with traditional Action Leather. In year 2000, we have established a Research and Development (R n D) department to improve the product’s quality, production procedure and educate employees on how to control quality and follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). We also develop new concept of Action Leather to imitate as looks and hand feels like genuine leather called “Durahide Leather” in order to replace expensive and low usage rate of genuine leather to reduce the cost of shoes and improve quality of finished products. It will creates a win-win situation with brands, consumers and factories.
  We communicate directly with brand’s designer and custom made leather for they needs. We introduce the characteristics and design concept of new products and provide the solution of procedure during the design and shoe production. In 2007, a non-disclosure agreement was signed between Formosa and Mizuno of Japan, and from 2007 to 2010, it jointly developed high abrasion and temperature insulation leather for baseball gloves. We have also developed Breathable and waterproof action leather to qualify EU EN344 test standard.
  In recent years, environmental awareness has risen, all industrial products must comply Restricted Substances List (RSL). Our productions all follow the RSL regulation. During Convid-19 outbreak, let us more deeply understand how industrial contaminated substances to harm our environment and the earth.
Our company’s development strategy has also been significantly changed, in additional to strengthening educated the concept of carbon conservation in original material suppliers, and we are working on the development of Recycled Materials and Agriculture and animal husbandry Go Green.

  1. Recycled Materials: The first material is called “Recycled Leather” made of scrape cow leather. Another recycling material is recycled from the windows of end-of-life vehicles from junk yard called "R-PVB" It could make Skin of synthetic leather, basketball skin, curtain, shoes, wrapping paper etc. For more detail please go to our web“Recycled ” icon.
  2. Go Green: Solution of Agriculture and animal husbandry reuse and decrement waste. Such as kitchen waste, animal excrement, fruit peel and vegetable leaves ferment to organic fertilizer. For more detail please go to our web Go Green” icon.
We hope that the new team can provide you with the latest and most effective products in the existing industry and friendlier for the earth's environment, we also hope that you can give us valuable ideas and advice and support our products to work together.

台灣富樺股份有限公司位於台灣新北市成立於1986年,我們起先是以傳统式二榔皮為主,從2000開始成立專屬於研發部門(RnD),提升统傳式二榔皮革品質及加工流程,教育員工如何掌控品質及制定遵循標準作業流程(S.O.P.)並開發新概念產品"二層榔皮仿頭層皮"名為Durhide Leather ",外觀和手感接近頭層面皮,在市場上取代昂貴的及較低使用率的面皮來降低鞋子的成本和提高品質而增强產品在市場上的競爭力,創造品牌商和消費者三方共赢局面。
我們與品牌直接溝通開發並根據客户要求客製化生產設計所需之材料。向品牌貿易商和鞋廠介紹新産品的特點和設計概念提供與溝通在設計及製鞋生產過程中所產生的問題提出解決方案。2007年台灣富樺與日本美津濃Mizuno之間簽署了保密協定,2007-2010共同研發用於棒球手套的高耐磨保温皮革。我們更研究防水透濕透氣二榔皮經第三方测試中心测試通過歐盟EN344 透濕透氣標準。
近年來環保意識抬頭,所有工業產品必須遵循著"禁用化學物質清單Restric Substance List (RSL),我司產品也都遵循RSL 規範生產,在Convid-19新冠肺炎疫情的擴散至今,讓我們更深入理解到工業物質對環境的汚染及對人類危害。
我們公司發展策略也做出重大的改變,除了在原來所供應的材料上加强環保回收節能省碳的概念,我們在積極研發Recycled Material 和Go Green 兩個項目正在進行中,
A. Recycled Material第一個為再生皮料稱Recycled Leather, 另一個個回收再生的材料是將報廢汽車把玻璃的部份從新再利用稱做PVB 做成皮料表面或皮球材料等等,詳細資料請閱讀我司網頁"Recycled 
B Go Green 是農畜產業的環保及再利用有關,例如廚餘減量,動物糞便堆肥及蔬菜水果等等不植物梗再生有機無毒肥料,詳細资料請閱讀我司網頁"Go Green"
Copyright;1986-2035 Formosa Leather Co., Ltd.  备案号:
地址:台灣台中市太平區長安路57號 销售中心:+886 4 2391-2795
传真:+886 4 2391-2795 E-mail:formosa-leather@hotmail.com
+886 4 2391-2795
+86 135 0982 0975
